Money Smart Athlete Blog

Building and Maintaining a Financial Plan

Building and Maintaining a Financial Plan, Financial Literacy

Athletes and Budgeting: A few simple steps

The term budgeting tends to put people off and is usually associated with restrictive spending. Actually, having a budget is the first and possibly most important step in getting your finances in order and establishing the foundations for your long-term financial well-being. Another common misconception is that people with higher salaries – such as athletes – do not need a budget. The reality of it is, if you are prone to overspending it does not matter how much you earn; if anything, higher salaries are harder to calibrate in terms of spending. After all, a budget is nothing more than a summary of your expected income and expenses for a period of time; usually a month or a year.

Building and Maintaining a Financial Plan, Financial Literacy

Athletes: How should your income affect your investment choices

Last week we explored the concept of Risk Appetite and its three basic descriptive categories: risk-averse, risk-seeking and risk neutral. Understanding your Risk Appetite or Risk Tolerance is one of the major factors that you have to take into account when creating your investment plan. The second important factor relates to your income; these two concepts are closely intertwined.
